Servicii Profesionale de Mediu

First Recycler SRL, a wholly privately owned company, has been operating since 2009 in the South-West region of Romania, Oltenia. The main activity is the provision of authorised hazardous and non-hazardous waste collection, recycling, recovery, temporary storage, recovery, final disposal, specialised transport and greening services, as well as integrated Environmental Management services.

Proceduri și Tehnologii

Tanks cleaning and inspection

Despre noi

First Recycler SRL, is the company with full private capital, which has been active since 2009 in the South-West region of Romania, Oltenia. The main activity is the provision of authorized hazardous and non-hazardous waste collection services, recycling, recovery, temporary storage, valorization, final disposal, specialized transport and greening, as well as integrated Environmental Management services.

All activities undertaken by the company are carried out to quality standards and in accordance with the legislation in force. Waste collection and transport is carried out on the basis of a pre-established schedule or at the request of partners, on a contract basis, with their own specialized and ADR and environmental authorized means of transport, and in strict compliance with the health and safety at work rules imposed by the legislation in force.


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    De ce FirstRecycler?


    Avem 10 ani de experienţă în domeniu

    Servicii Complete

    Oferim servicii complete de mediu

    Avem propria flotă de transport

    Colectăm și transportăm deșeurile, pe bază de contract, cu mijloacele proprii de transport

    Suntem accesibili și răspundem cu promptitudine tuturor solicitărilor venite de pe întreg teritoriul Olteniei

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